wile64 wrote:
2007/9/27, Graeme Geldenhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>:

    On 27/09/2007, Graeme Geldenhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
     > remember already!  :)  I''m about to modify my local copy of Lazarus
     > to copy the Version, Revision and Toolkit to the clipboard (example:
     > "v0.9.23 r12186 i386-linux-gtk"). Just a simple double click
     > it in the About screen, but maybe we can officially add something
     > this in Lazarus?

    For now I've modified my Lazarus to copy the svn revision and toolkit
    string to the clipboard, when the About dialog closes.  This works for
    me...  eg: When clicking Close, the following text goes to the
    clipboard.  "r12186 i386-linux-gtk"  This is enough to copy into the
    Build text field when reporting a bug in Mantis.

      - Graeme -

Why not put in the TMemo (about)?

or change the label to a readonly edit,
or add a popupmenu to the label->copy

(i like the last more)


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