
I'm working with Peter Gannon and Adriaan Van Os on a music app that was ported from Delphi2006 to PC Lazarus, and then ported into a Carbon Lazarus program compiling/debugging in XCode. We have worked out most problems and we are mopping up a few remaining issues. Overall it is working great except for a few niggling problems that are likely bugs to fix in carbon LCL.

Have encountered two LCL cursor issues.

I fixed one minor cursor problem and will submit a change on that. A couple of entries in the array that maps Laz cursor numbers into AppearanceManager cursor numbers were wrong, so that setting screen.cursor sometimes showed the wrong cursor.

Am trying to fix another cursor issue. Would like some more ideas what to look for.

Setting screen.cursor seems to work fine.

Setting the Cursor property for TButtons and TComboBoxes causes the proper cursor to appear when you move the mouse over it. Perhaps the Cursor property works correctly for many other controls, but Buttons and ComboBoxes are the only two I've verified.

However, setting the Cursor property at design-time for a TPaintBox doesn't cause any visible cursor change when you move the mouse over a TPaintBox. And setting a TPaintBox.cursor programmatically doesn't do anything either. Since screen.cursor works, I could fudge our desired behavior with Screen.cursor, but it would be nice to fix the TPaintBox.

These TPaintBoxes are embedded in a TPanel, but maybe that isn't a contributor to the bug, because the TButtons whose Cursors work correctly, are embedded in TPanels too.

A TButton (which works), descends from TButtonControl which descends from TWinControl which descends from TControl

A TPaintBox descends from TGraphicControl which descends from TControl.

TControl has a FCursor property and virtual SetTempCursor(). TWinControl inherits the TControl's FCursor, and overrides SetTempCursor.

Debug-tracing thru the SetCursor code paths, it looks like a TPaintBox passes thru some TWinControl code, unless XCode is playing tricks on me. So maybe the different heritage of TControl versus TGraphicControl is spurious. LCL is big, and maybe in practice TWinDontrol and TControl work about the same because of some line I haven't noticed.

Both the TButton that works, and the TPaintBox that doesn't work, seem to pass thru a similar path on a SetCursor or MouseMove-- involving SetCursor, SetTempCursor. UpdateMousecursor.

So does anyone have some ideas on how better to zero-in on the difference which prevents SetCursor from working on a TPaintBox?



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