Graeme Geldenhuys schreef:
On 05/10/2007, Vincent Snijders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Maybe it is better to use the fp ide to create freevision applications.

I tend to disagree...

Not sure if it exists, but maybe Lazarus should ship _without_ the
compiler packaged as an option. I for one develop non-LCL based
applications all day with Lazarus. They may not be FreeVision
application, but they sure ain't LCL ones either. Why?? Because
Lazarus is a brilliant IDE.  Cool plugin/packages support (Editor
Toolbar and Procedure List come to mind), nice searching (Find in
Files) plus all the other nice things like Code Completion, parameter
hints, jumping between the Interface and Implemenation of code etc...

The FP IDE as far as I know doesn't support most of what I mentioned.
I wouldn't want to use any other editor for my Object Pascal

But it supports debugging of console applications better. And that is why I would suggest fp ide for freevision applications.

Just the other day I needed to setup a Windows PC with Lazarus and FPC
2.2. I had to download the bundled Lazarus+FPC 2.0.4 setup (the only
windows choice), just to delete all the FPC 2.0.4 directories and
replace it with FPC 2.2.  I think that's a waste.  As far as I
remember the Linux and Mac OS X versions of Lazarus doesn't come
bundled with FPC.

A. You don't need to remove fpc 2.0.4, unless your hard disk is too full.

B. The Lazarus packages for Linux and Mac OS X are for one fpc version too, so if you changed version, you'd to redownload a different Lazarus package too.

C. If you want to use a fpc version different for the supplied one, just install that version for example in c:\fpc\2.2.0 and adjust the paths in the environment options. If you have a previous installed Lazarus and want to continue to use that, use that, otherwise download a source zip. If you change fpc version, you need to (re-)compile the LCL (anyhow).

Conclusion: I am not convinced (yet) :-).


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