On Tue, 16 Oct 2007 23:13:21 -0400
James Chandler Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is there a valid way to comment-out a line in a .lfm file? I tried  
> {...} and //..., which do not seem to work in Carbon LCL.
> Perhaps the form compiler recognizes some other comment mechanism?

No comment.

> If comments are not supported, it is not a big issue. When  
> editing .lfm files as text in XCode, temporary comments would be  
> convenient compared to completely deleting lines.

The .lfm file is a 1:1 mapping to the binary stream created by TWriter.
Anything stored in the lfm comes from the components and they don't
have comments. The .lfm is a text file to allow searching, repairing
or refactoring not provided by the IDE. It is not a normal source file.


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