Op donderdag 15-11-2007 om 12:33 uur [tijdzone -0800], schreef Ciprian
> Based on that issues, and some more, me and that designer will not
> look back to Delphi legacy, excluding the LCL and we will try to
> manage to make a fork of Lazarus. The role of that fork is very easy:
> it will must provide bet UI for user, and will not take care about
> users that say: "in Delphi is different", because Lazarus is not
> Delphi, is much better. That fork will be maintained to an external
> server, like OpenSVN one and hopefully when will get enough substange
> to get it's own merit as an upgrade to Lazarus, hopefully will be
> merged back to Lazarus code.

I don't understand where you need a fork for? If you have patches for
the ide, just send them in. If they are usefull they'll get committed?


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