
I've noticed this a few times now and was wondering if it could be
fixed or improved on (and if I should report it as a bug or feature

In summary, changes to packages get undone while Lazarus is open!

Lets use an example to explain.   If I have Lazarus open and loaded
one of my projects that have required packages list. One of those
required packages are fpGUI.  I don't actually have the Package open,
only the project!  Now if I get a svn update for fpGUI while Lazarus
is open and the update had changes to the fpGUI changes, Lazarus will
overwrite the changes with what's loaded in memory. The Lazarus Editor
will detect the changed files and ask if you want to reload it, but
when it comes to Packages, Lazarus simply overwrites the package .pas

This happened again to me today.  I did some development work over the
weekend at home. I added a new unit to the fpGUI package.  Today I got
to work, open my project and realized I needed to get a fpGUI update.
Got a update, then double clicked in Project Inspector window on one
of the "required packages", so I can open the fpGUI package, so I can
recompile it.  Again, the new unit I added didn't appear in the fpGUI

Did a 'svn diff'  and it shows that the package's .pas file was
modified and the new unit was removed!!!!  Very frustrating.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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