On Tue, 04 Dec 2007 14:44:03 +0100
Guadagnini David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > What form on form do you mean? MDI?
> > Can you provide an example?
> >
> > Mattias
> >
> >   
> Yes.
> I create two form (Form1 and Form2)
> Into the Form1 create a TPanel and a button with the follow event:
> begin
>    Form2 := TForm2.Create(Self);
>    Form2.Parent := Panel1;
>    Form2.Align := alClient;
> end;
> Normally if You write this you have form2 into form1 (how the MDI
> forms) but if the form2 have the focus is impossible return into
> form1 without close form2.
> This patch solve this problem and can be a start point for MDI forms.

Strange. The patch does not have any effect here.

I can tab between form1 and form2.
I can not focus form2 by mouse click. (It seems, no mouse event
comes through).
The patch does not change this.

Maybe the mouse events should be fixed instead?


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