On 10/12/2007, Marc Weustink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am against modifying the clipboard on close of a dialog, please revert
> and add a popupmenuitme to copy the version number.

Q1: How often do you go into the About dialog?

A:  Certainly never for normal day-to-day programming tasks. The About
dialog in simply just for show in most cases, so lets give it
something useful to do.

Q2: Why do you go into the About dialog?

A:  To admire you name in the Contributors list. :-)  99% of the time
it is to see what version (and revision) of the IDE you have. And when
do you normally use that information?  Probably quoting it in the
mailing list of Mantis bug reports. It's really handy having that
information copied to the clipboard.

> Asking the second time while the first time there was an objection about
> exact this reason is not polite.

At the time I forgot I asked before - I was in a rush on Friday
afternoon. My apologies.  Anyway, I didn't submit a patch.  As the
title says, it's a "proposed" change.  Mattias obviously thought it
was handy as well and applied it.  Developer tools are all about
trying to be more efficient.

  - Graeme -

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