On Thursday 13 December 2007 01.28, Giuliano Colla wrote:
> The screen is a shared resource,  so it must be granted exclusive
> access. If one thinks of one main thread which besides doing its job
> receives messages from all the worker threads, creates a clean queue of
> what needs to be done (sorting out what's visible and what not, what
> must be drawn and what not, etc.), and passes that to a graphic thread
> which is the only one which has access to the display, then you have a
> real multithread GUI, which could fill a void in what's currently
> available. It could be a challenging project, don't you think?
> It just requires a not too large GUI system already existing (such as
> fpGui, not Lazarus which is too big to play with) and some enthusiasm
> (and also a lot of time, but for my company it could be important, so
> some resources could be found).
Don't forget MSEide+MSEgui:
MSEgui has several possibilities to synchronize worker threads with the main 
GUI thread.

First there is application.lock/unlok which works on a mutex. The main 
eventloop acquires the mutex on start of a new round of the main eventloop 
and releases it after it gets idle.

Secondly there is application.synchronize which runs a callback  in a 
try/finally block with application.lock/unlock.

Thirdly there is application.postevent in order to send messages to MSEgui 
components. The posted events are feed into the main event queue and are 
delivered to the component in context of the main thread. 
application.postevent is thread safe and does not block.
tmsecomponent.postcomponentevent and asyncevent can be used for convenience, 
tmseform tmsedatamodule have onevent and onasyncevent where the messages can 
be handled in context of the main thread.

Fourthly there is FPC synchronize with the problem that checksynchronize is 
called once in onidle of then main event loop. One can call 
application.wakeupguithread to enable processing but there is a race 

Worth to mention is teventthread with its own message queue.
The graphic subsystem has its own locking mechanism so it is possible to draw 
onto off screen canvas (pixmap or printer) from worker threads.


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