Ciprian Mustiata schreef:
Hi team,

Based on that issues, and some more, me and that designer will not look back to Delphi legacy, excluding the LCL and we will try to manage to make a fork of Lazarus. The role of that fork is very easy: it will must provide bet UI for user, and will not take care about users that say: "in Delphi is different", because Lazarus is not Delphi, is much better. That fork will be maintained to an external server, like OpenSVN one and hopefully when will get enough substange to get it's own merit as an upgrade to Lazarus, hopefully will be merged back to Lazarus code.

The project will be named LightZarus and will have the notice that is based on Lazarus code.

How is this project going? Is the external svn server already available (I am looking forward to merge these inovations in the main tree, new the compiler options dialog doesn't look finished enough for a release, for example).


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