Peter Vreman wrote:
At 17:01 1-1-2008, you wrote:
Vincent Snijders wrote:
willem schreef:

Benchmark results from : Conclusion : It would be good to have a compiler switch that optimizes for speed.

That is a wrong conclusion. All these programs were compiled for speed and not for low memory use.

No I mean a new G1 switch who optimizes 30% better at the expensive of memory usage.
The memory usage may be ten times greater than the G switch.

I think your view is a bit too simplistic. Optimizing code is a complex task and we are continuusly working on it. Ofcourse patches to improve the optimizer of the compiler are always welcome. Simply refering to a couple of, already known, benchmarks will not help to get things improved. Besides that Free Pascal does a fairly good job against the other commericially funded compilers.

Yes optimizing code is a complex job.
The Free Pascal compiler does already a lots of optimization.
Like constant merging, shifts in stead of multiply, stack frame omission and so on.

But the Free Pascal compiler performs bad in the Mandelbrot benchmark.

number 1 is C++ g++
number 4 is Java 6
number 19 is Free Pascal

In the test Cpu time as N increases

number 3 is C gcc
number 18 is Java 6
number 26 is Free Pascal

I did download the Mandelbrot pascal source and I compiled it in the Lazarus Ide.
I got two hints about the ov div instead of / .
and I got a runtime error when I tried to run this programm.

The problem lies in the conversion from integer to real and vice versa.

When I did a expliciet conversion from real to integer with round(), the Mandelbrot benchmark runs fine.

If you implement the G1 switch which an automic conversion the / arithmic operator to div operator then you gain speed at the cost of memory usage. The developer can then always use the aritmic operator / .

regards Wim

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