On Sat, 05 Jan 2008 19:14:51 +0000
Dominique Louis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Firstly, I'd like to propose a slight change to the scanlines example
> so that it is easier for developers to follow the code and to
> possibly incorporate bits of it into their own code.
> type
>    TBGRA = packed record
>      b, g, r, a : byte;
>    end;
>    PBGRA = ^TBGRA;
>    TBGRAArray = array[ WORD ] of TBGRA;
>    PBGRAArray = ^TBGRAArray;
> procedure TForm1.PaintToRGB32bitScanLine(Row, ImgWidth: integer;
>    LineStart: Pointer);
> // LineStart is pointer to the start of a scanline with the following 
> format:
> // 4 bytes per pixel. First byte is blue, second green, third is red.
> // the fourth byte is the Alpha value, which is not specified in this
> // example
> // Black is 0,0,0, white is 255,255,255
> var
>    i: Integer;
>    lrow : PBGRAArray
> begin
>    lrow := PBGRAArray( LineStart )
>    // fill line with gray
>    for i := 0 to ImgWidth - 1 do
>    begin
>      lrow^[ i ].r := 128; // set red to 128
>      lrow^[ i ].g := 128; // set green to 128
>      lrow^[ i ].b := 128; // set blue to 128
>    end;
>    // set one diagonal pixel to red ( this creates a diagonal red
> line ) lrow^[ ( Row mod ImgWidth ) ].r := 255; // set red to 255 -
> full intensity
>    lrow^[ ( Row mod ImgWidth ) ].g := 0; // set green to 0
>    lrow^[ ( Row mod ImgWidth ) ].b := 0; // set blue to 0
> end;
> I think this is a lot easier to understand than the previous version.

Ok. Can you create a patch?

> Secondly,  I have a scanline issue that I hope someone on here can
> help with. I have 2 TImages on a Form ( I'm using Mac OS X if that
> makes any difference ) one contains an image of a yellow light bulb.
> I want to copy, pixel by pixel, the image from one TImage over to the
> second TImage. Yes I know I could just assign the bitmap from one to
> the other, but this is an exercise in Scanline manipulation. The
> problem I have is that once copied the second TImage contains a blue
> light bulb instead of a yellow one.
> The code I'm using is..
>    MyBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
>    ScanLineImage := Image1.Picture.Bitmap.CreateIntfImage;
>    MyBitmap.Width := ScanLineImage.Width;
>    MyBitmap.Height:= ScanLineImage.Height;
>    IntfImage := MyBitmap.CreateIntfImage;
>    ImgFormatDescription.Init_BPP32_B8G8R8_BIO_TTB( ScanLineImage.Width, 
> ScanLineImage.Height );
>    IntfImage.DataDescrption := ImgFormatDescription;
>    for y := 0 to ScanLineImage.Height do


>    begin
>      lrow := ScanLineImage.GetDataLineStart( y );
>      brow := IntfImage.GetDataLineStart( y );

What's brow?

>      for x := 0 to ScanLineImage.Width do


>      begin
>        brow^[ x ].r := lrow^[ x ].r; // set red
>        brow^[ x ].g := lrow^[ x ].g; // set green
>        brow^[ x ].b := lrow^[ x ].b; // set blue
>        brow^[ x ].a := lrow^[ x ].a; // set alpha value
>      end;
>    end;
>    MyBitmap.LoadFromIntfImage( IntfImage );
>    Image2.Picture.Bitmap := MyBitmap;
> Can anyone see a flaw in my logic of using scanlines for this/this
> way?

MyBitmap.LoadFromIntfImage( IntfImage )
does no conversion.

You created an image with the format
which is probably not the format of your platform.
Don't use ScanLine, but use the Colors property of IntfImage. See the


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