ik wrote:
On Jan 15, 2008 11:00 PM, Vincent Snijders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Al Boldi schreef:
Cesar Liws Gmail wrote:
Check out http://sourceforge.net/projects/mseide-msegui

It's got a nicely integrated debugger,
AFAIK, it is also a front end to GDB.

complete with CpuView and integrated
disassembler.  Would be nice if somebody ports this over.

That would be nice.

I thought in making the disassembler (also to practice my assembly
skills that I haven't used in a while, and to better learn x86_64),
but I do not have time... and I have so many projects that I have
started, but I don't have time to finish.. :(

There is already a disassembler in debugger/windebug

I started a native debugger, but since some graphics parts in lazarus really needed some attention, it didn't have progress in 2007. After the new TIcon class is there, I plan to focus again on the debugger. Adding and reading dwarf callstack info is the only big thing to be done before I put all pieces together for a native (windows first) debugger within lazarus.


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