I've used powtils a bit. Fast, very fast. The only thing I don't like is with standard cgi you can't pool database connections, not sure about FastCGI though which I read was supposed to be opened only once and reused which I have not tried with powtils yet.

Agree. I'd done some web app using Powtils. It's almost a fire and forget application. Once you wrote it well, it'll run well forever without significant problems. My web app using Powtils have been running for almost a year and I only faced once problem with SDS (its internal session storage engine). I simply removed all temporary session files and restart the app, then things run well again. Until now, it still live and kicking. :-D

Its very fast and the library of functions that powtils as it very useful.

Yup. But FPC also has its own CGI framework. It might be a good alternative besides Powtils. I never use it though.


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