Joost van der Sluis wrote:
Op donderdag 24-01-2008 om 20:56 uur [tijdzone +1100], schreef John:
Joost van der Sluis wrote:
Op donderdag 24-01-2008 om 00:09 uur [tijdzone +1100], schreef John:
It does, in so far as the parameter specs are now retained, but now the database property of sqlquery is not read, so it still can't work properly. In fact, I can't even set the database from the Lazarus object inspector.
Huh? Are you sure? Did you recompile everything correclty?
You won't often catch me saying "Yes I am *sure* I compiled everything correctly" ! I think I did, though.

Quick test is to add a new writeln, see if it is triggered. If so you
have rebuild it properly.

This is my version of set database:

It doesn't contain a call to Inherited.SetDatabase. I think that that is
your problem now.

procedure TCustomSQLQuery.SetDatabase(Value : TDatabase);

var db : tsqlconnection;

  if (Database <> Value) then
    if dbdbgOn then
      Writeln(dbdbg, 'TCustomSQLQuery.database is being set to "',
                     Value.DatabaseName, '".');
    if assigned(value) and not (Value is TSQLConnection) then

Add   '  inherited setdatabase(value);'

    if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then
if assigned(FCursor) then TSQLConnection(DataBase).DeAllocateCursorHandle(FCursor);
      db := TSQLConnection(Value);
if assigned(value) and (Transaction = nil) and (Assigned(db.Transaction)) then
        transaction := Db.Transaction;
      if dbdbgOn then
        Writeln(dbdbg, 'Calling TCustomSQLQuery.OnChangeSQL because ',
                       'TCustomSQLQuery.database has been set to "',
                       Value.DatabaseName, '".');


YES! It works!

I was tempted to write down the details of my adventures and why it took so long to get to this point, but I guess that will just bore everyone. Suffice to say that most were about learning to use the SVN environment, and not much to do with the above problem. I think I may have achieved a functioning SVN environment now.

So now I have the parameter query opening when the form opens, and also have a master/client link between two sqlqueries, without requiring code. (Previously I always seemed to need an 'AfterScroll' handler to get it to work).

I will see what further trouble I can get into.

John Sunderland

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