ik wrote:

If you can, try to install debian instead (Sorry, I just don't like RH
distro's thy sucks imho) ;)

You should know that with yum you must first clean the repository
cache, and then read it again (as I said, they sucks). The best way is
to add a new repository with your rpm's made for centos 4.4, and last,
try to upgrade to centos 5.5 final.


Hi Ido,

Thanks for the tip. Other distros scare me ;) I may try ubuntu as people seem to feel that one is pretty easy to setup an administer. I'm pretty confident that any shortcomings of CentOS are overshadowed by my inexperience with linux in general anyway ;)

I'll give Debian a try as well as ubuntu when a I get a chance.

Again, thanks for the tip.

Warm Regards,


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