Hi splint users!

I have recently started using splint and have encountered the following code

Only storage Test[].Buf assigned to unqualified:
                      *Buffer = Test[CurrentTest].Buf
  The only reference to this storage is transferred to another reference (e.g.,
  by returning it) that does not have the only annotation. This may lead to a
  memory leak, since the new reference is not necessarily released. (Use
  -onlytrans to inhibit warning)

Buffer is a return value of a function (void function(/*@out@*/int *Buffer))
The assignment of *Buffer (see above)is made just before the return
statement of the function.

Test is a data variable of a struct-type containing Buf, used within the
module (.c). 
It is defined as:

static Test_T    Test[4];

where Test_Buf is of the same type as *Buffer, i.e. int.

typedef struct _Test_T 
   int        *Buf;
   int        A;
   boolean    B;     
} Test_T;

When Test[4] is initialized, the following code warning appears:

Implicitly only storage Test[].Buf (type int*) not
    released before assignment: Test[i].Buf = MemoryAddress_C;
  A memory leak has been detected. Only-qualified storage is not released
  before the last reference to it is lost. (Use -mustfreeonly to inhibit

Test[].Buf will never be modified.

Could someone please explain to me on how to solve this problem. Thanks!

Emma Wermström   
Software Engineer
Saab Ericsson Space AB          tel: 031-7354433 
S-405 15  Goteborg              mobil: 0708-375230
SWEDEN                          mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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