----- Original Message -----
From: "ITworld Newsletters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2000 11:59 AM
Subject: Linux/Open Source Careers -- Firewall Security
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Linux as a Firewall
> By Eric Foster-Johnson
> With the rise of the Internet, and the corresponding rise in network
> attacks, firewall and network security knowledge has become
> increasingly important for those wishing to become system
> administrators. To defend against attacks, just about every site runs
> some sort of firewall or other protective software. Oftentimes, the
> firewall runs on a separate machine and, for small organizations, can
> represent a significant cost.
> In the last few years, specialized versions of Linux have proliferated
> in the firewall market, running from commercial products such as
> NetMax's firewalls (http://www.netmax.com) to special Linux firewall-on-
> a-floppy-disk distributions. The latter packages can create a firewall
> requiring no hard disk space that can, oftentimes, reuse an older,
> slower PC as your new fancy firewall.
> Security is one area where you can parlay your Linux knowledge into
> improved job prospects. Since so many firewalls are built from Linux,
> you can use your Linux skills to learn more about firewalls, as well as
> to try some out -- installing any number of these packages is fairly
> easy.
>     * Coyote Linux allows you to build a firewall, including a scaled-
>       down Linux distribution, onto a single floppy disk. You can
>       download the software from http://www.coyotelinux.com/, or
>       purchase a commercial version for $39.95 US (download) or $49.95
>       (on CD-ROM).
>     * FrazierWall is based on the Linux Router Project, which, among
>       other things, can help you build a single-floppy Linux
>       distribution of your own. FrazierWall is available at
>       http://home.kscable.com/wecoyote/FrazierWall.html. See
>       http://www.linuxrouter.org/ for more information about the Linux
>       Router Project.
>     * HVLinux runs a minimum number of programs just in RAM. It is
>       available at http://www.hven.com.ve/hvlinux/.
> You can experiment with Linux as a firewall and improve your
> administration skills with any of these packages. You can also install
> firewall software on a regular Linux distribution for experimentation.
> About the author(s)
> ----------------
> Eric Foster-Johnson wrote 14 books on Linux, UNIX, programming, and
> open source tools. He can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
> http://www.pconline.com/~erc/.
> Copyright 2000 ITworld.com, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
> http://www.itworld.com

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