Mike Noyes wrote:
> On Mon, 2002-07-15 at 22:39, Michael D. Schleif wrote:
> >
> > No matter how hard I try, I cannot commit a directory structure to cvs.

[ snip ]

> I looked at your commit messages, and I think I understand what you were
> trying to accomplish. Here is a sequence that I believe would have
> worked.

[ snip ]

Is there some way to *transfer* a cvs module from my own cvs to
sourceforge/leaf cvs?

I have created a cvs environment for my own development.  Since I
already have [many of] my packages situated as local cvs modules, it
would be most convenient if there is some way to move modules from cvs_A
to cvs_B.

Or, need I *export* a module from my own cvs prior to importing it into
sourceforge/leaf cvs?


Best Regards,

mds resource

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