Moved from user-list to devel-list
Le Vendredi 26 Juillet 2002 03:29, Dan Harkless a écrit :
> Hi.  What's the best way to report bugs in Bering?  Just post here?  Email
> Jacques Nilo and Eric Wolzak directly?  Use the tracker (I
> see only 11 LEAF bugs have ever been reported there)?
The devel-list is fine. The bug tracking feature is better but as you 
mentioned rarely  used. cc to myself or Eric only fills up our mailing boxes 

> Ditto for the installation and user's guides -- what's the best way to give
> feedback?
Same as above.
> In any case, doing a leaf-user archive search, it looks like one of the
> bugs I was going to report (sh-httpd should be in group 4 rather than 10,
> or it can't read log files after they get cycled) has already been
> discussed. Since the bug tracking isn't really used, though, it's not
> really possible to verify that this will be addressed in the successor to
> 1.0-rc3...
It will. See the end of the following message:

> A search for "plog grep tail" didn't turn anything up, though, so it looks
> like the other bug I'm reporting hasn't been discussed.  I have a PPPoE
> system and I was very consternated that the plog script mentioned in the
> user's guide never gave me any output.
> I figured out the problem with the script:
>     #!/bin/sh
>     if [ -s /var/log/ppp.log ]; then
>       exec tail "$@" /var/log/ppp.log
>     else
>       exec tail "$@" /var/log/syslog | grep ' \(pppd\|chat\)\['
>     fi
This is the original Debian plog script. 

> In my PPPoE case, ppp.log is zero-length (not sure if that differs for the
> PPP case), so the else gets executed.
With ppp ppp.log is indeed non zero so the first part is executed. 
By default tail will output the last 10 lines of ppp.log
***BUT*** if you type:
plog n 20 
it will type the last 20 lines :-)

> The problem is that only the last few messages from the log (of any kind)
> are tailed, so it's unsurprising that usually none of them are pppd
> messages.  If tail is going to be used, the tail should be on the other
> end:
>       exec grep ' \(pppd\|chat\)\[' /var/log/syslog | tail "$@"
> Personally, though, I'd prefer it if the tail were taken out completely,
> especially since the BusyBox tail doesn't actually support
> -<number_of_lines_to_tail>, making that "$@" useless right now.
Wrong. the "$@" parameter is precisely what makes this plog flexible: you can 
use it to give extra parameters to tail

>From bb manual available options  are:

        -c N[kbm]       output the last N bytes
        -n N[kbm]       print last N lines instead of last 10
        -f              output data as the file grows
        -q              never output headers giving file names
        -s SEC          wait SEC seconds between reads with -f
        -v              always output headers giving file names

If the first character of N (bytes or lines) is a '+', output begins with the 
Nth item from the start of each file, otherwise, print the last N items in 
the file. N bytes may be suffixed by k (x1024), b (x512), or m (1024^2).
> Personally, I'd prefer it if plog just printed _all_ the pppd messages,
> leaving it to the user to pipe that output into more or tail as desired.
I 'll leave as it is in the distro. As a policy I try to stick as much as 
possible to Debian standards. There only very few exception (ifup/down being 
the most notable) for space consideration.
You can easily adapt it to your taste if you want.
Thks for your remarks

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