Lynn Avants wrote:

<snip />

> I see either this concept can be embraced or ridiculed, but if you don't
> see it as necessary in the future you plainly haven't followed the desires
> on list for the last year or two. Packetfilter, apkg (Oxygen), LINCE,
> Mosquito, and individual systems are proof that it is time to move on.
> I'll write a new system myself if no else feels this way, it may never be
> complete or ideal, but I imagine that it will be integrated sometime in the
> future if not now. I don't want to try and save an old system for
> compatibility, Oxygen, Eiger, DachsteinCD, Bering, PacketFilter, WISP,
> LINCE, Coyote and many others weren't too concerned with compatibility.
> If this ends up as a new variant, so be it..... it shouldn't be necessary;
> PacketFilter was proof of this if anyone spent the time to actually look into
> that 'package' as well. I see this as a extension of Serge's concept(s),
> which I don't feel were ever understood due to the way he presented them.

Please, allow me to offer a suggestion from a slightly different

One of my biggest challenges in supporting nearly one dozen DachsteinCD
installations is the update process.

A year ago, Serge and I jousted a bit over means to coalesce basic LEAF
distributions and packages into standardized ``containers''.  I've not
had time to fully explore PacketFilter; but, it is coming time for me to
decide what is to wholesale replace each of our DCD installations.

Yes, Bering is probably mature enough for us to move in that direction. 
However, its current instantiation leaves me with same old problem: how
to upgrade packages across many different deployments?

I hacked my own system: zzz.lrp.  In that case, I have hand-tweaked each
and every *.bktype, *.conf, *.list, & *.local file in /var/lib/lrpkg/
such that /etc/init.d/zzz produces one (1) zzz.local file that lists
*ONLY* configuration files, files that will change from one system to
another, irrespective of package.  zzz.lrp files, then, on partial
backup become system-specific configuration file archives, and are the
_only_ LRP file required on writeable media!  We run many packages and
no zzz.lrp is larger than 100kB.

So, reason for my emergence from hibernation is this: Please, consider
making something similar standard in any new packaging system.

What do you think?


Best Regards,

mds resource

Dare to fix things before they break . . .

Our capacity for understanding is inversely proportional to how much we
think we know.  The more I know, the more I know I don't know . . .

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