> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lynn Avants [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 3:13 AM
> Subject: Re: [--ot] [leaf-devel] leaf-tools overview (cdb, trig, tmpl)
> On Tuesday 06 July 2004 03:58 pm, Erich Titl wrote:
> [...]
> > Some time ago I tried to use busybox ash instead of the 
> installed one on
> > Bering 1.2+. My goal was to get more space for possibly a 
> more recent
> > gclibc library and more modern package versions. I quickly 
> found out that
> > the ash syntax used in, for example, the backup routines 
> did not work.
> > I guess in order to be able to use different shells we 
> should stick to an
> > extreme low level of the possible tricks in the scripting 
> _dialect_ so
> > porting issues will pop up less frequently. This may sound 
> like heresy in
> > the ears of shell afficionados but will enhance the chance 
> to use different
> > interpreters.
> >
> > No idea how much work it would take to get up to level 
> alone with busybox
> > ash, let alone with another interpreter.
> David D rewrote Oxygen from the ground up in his last release 
> to use BB-ash.
> The problem we basically face is the behavior of the glibc-2.0.7 Ash-
> (stripped) is not compatible with any other version of Ash 
> known to mankind.
> This is the reason that David had to re-write init and other 
> core files when 
> he made the switch. That is likely another reason why we are 
> still using the 
> same binary that is so ancient. I don't know what the 
> difference is, but 
> everything else I've compiled has had syntax conflicts with 
> one package or
> another (if it even boots correctly to begin with). IIRC, 
> UClibc-team has made
> several corrections when they were first starting the 
> project. I also seem to
> recall that they are using BB-Ash, so this is likely the best 
> place to look at 
> using a different (and compatible) shell.

No, we are still using the latest available ASH because none of the
others seem to work.

BB-ash still has some problems with our scripts and we are currently
working on Dash, although there are some other places where scripting
seems also to be broken.

It is really just a matter of choosing the 'right' shell and change
everything accordingly.

p.s. I ask in advance to be forgiven if i'm making any major mistake...

Luis Correia   
Bering uClibc Team Member

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