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Mike Noyes wrote:

| On Wed, 2005-05-18 at 12:28, Cristian Rodriguez wrote:
|> 2005/5/18, Tom Eastep <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
|> > I've attached the simple scripts that I use to publish to Sourceforge
|> > and to my own server (shorewall.net AKA lists.shorewall.net AKA
|> > cvs.shorewall.net AKA rsync.shorewall.net).
|> >
|> http://ftp.belnet.be/ and others are providing rsync mirror,what we
|> need is a master rsync server,sadly providing the hardware and
|> bandwith for that is out of my possibilities :(
|> anyone at leaf or Mandriva can help with this issue???
| Cristian,
| Charles may be willing and able to help. He hosts the leaf master rsync
| site.

Yes, I can host a master rsync site for shorewall at either of two CoLo
locations (100 MBit/s & 45 MBit/s) with hardware that's already in place.

I'm already doing this for the leaf CVS archives (import the daily SF CVS
tarball and make it available via rsync) so users can mirror the Leaf CVS
directory w/o having to download the entire tarball (now multiple GBytes).

Just let me know what you'd like setup.  We can probably get something
running on either SF or the rsync server (or both) that auto-magically
builds and/or syncs the site and it's mirrors, works like Tom's "publish"
script, or whatever is desired...

- --
Charles Steinkuehler
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