On Tue, 2007-03-20 at 08:30 -0800, Mike Noyes wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-03-20 at 06:35, Tom Eastep wrote:
> > My experimentation with a Perl-based compiler for Shorewall is beginning
> > to bear fruit.
> <snip>
> Tom,
> Congratulations on the speed improvements in the shorewall perl rewrite.
> > Anyone wishing to play with it can do so as follows:
> > 
> > a) Install Shorewall 3.4.1.
> > b) Get a copy of the trunk/New SVN files.
> > c) Make a copy of your /etc/shorewall directory.
> > d) Modify the shorewall.conf file in the copied directory as follows:
> > 
> >     1- Add 'EXPERIMENTAL=3DYes'
> >     2- Modify CONFIG_PATH to include the directory where you placed=20
> >        the trunk/New files.
> > 
> > You can now use the copied directory as a testbed for the new compiler
> > as I've done above (e.g., cd to that directory and specify "." in your
> > 'shorewall' commands).
> Everyone,
> Is anyone willing to try this with microperl?

Looks like you will need some modolues too, like File::Basename etc. (so
a compiled microperl binary is not enough)

Tip if you want to try on an uclibc system (alpine, non leaf - shameless
plug, sorry)

download latest alpine iso http://dl.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v1.5/iso/
boot it, log in as root and run


That will quick configure network for you.

Then you:

  apk_add shorewall subversion perl

Now you have the shorewall default configs installed and can:
svn co svn co https://shorewall.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/shorewall/trunk/New

and play around.

You will need some RAM since  (128MB should probably be enough)

Might give you an idea on memory consumption on an uclibc/busybox system.


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