On Sun, 2011-06-19 at 12:48 +0200, KP Kirchdoerfer wrote:
> The FRS is the File Release System of SF; the place where you can download 
> the 
> images.

Release Files for Download (FRS)

The FRS supports sub-directories now, however it isn't setup for easy
download scripting.

> Yes we "abused" the version systems (in the past cvs, today git) to store our 
> binary packages. Adding the binaries into FRS will clutter it even more than 
> it is today.

See sub-directory support:

> Note that the versions system is the place that we can mostly 
> control ourself - it's just a plain service from SF and we can do almost 
> whatever we like to, mainly a black box for SF. Whereas the FRS and other 
> file 
> related services are under the control of SF and the way they can be 
> accessed, 
> the interfaces etc. change from time to time. Sometimes they are slow, 
> sometimes defunct and every change needs a rework of our processes. 
> "Ab'-using 
> the versions systems has been pretty stable over the years.

At least git understands binaries, unlike cvs.

> > One solution might be to put the packages out of the git tree, so no
> > packages directory under buildtool. It should not disturb the underlying
> > make structure or whatever is used to build the packages.

We could make a separate git repository for binaries as a temporary fix.
Creating Multiple Repositories

> The binaries are not under buildtool, they are on the same level as buildtool.
> In the past, and once we are used to work with branches I'll like to see that 
> again, we had put the binaries into cvs. With genpage.pl it was possible to 
> create automatically a "packages page" that had relevant information about 
> packages (from buildtool.cfg), package date, packager, Changelog from binary 
> commits, and a link to the package. 
> Thus it was possible to fetch and download an updated package after it was 
> committed (shorewall with the fast and minor fixes was a good candidate) and 
> before we had build new images. It was a quick and proven method to provide 
> fixes.
> And while having full control, we could even manage more or less fine-grained 
> upload permissions. Every leaf developer can add binaries and sources 
> (previously in the contrib sections, nowadays more open) uploading via FRS 
> requires admin, or part of, permissions, not easy to deal with and I'd like 
> to 
> avoid.
> I agree, in theory it does look bad. But then, what are you're real problems 
> having binaries in git? 
> I'm working on LEAF for a few years, used cvs and now git, had binaries side 
> by side with the sources and build system all the time and it never caused 
> any 
> harm for me.

Mike Noyes 

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