On 06/10/12 23:05, KP Kirchdoerfer wrote:
> Am 06.10.2012 19:02, schrieb Yves Blusseau:
>> Hi all,
>> just for my information, why do we use the 3.2 kernel for BuC ?
>> Why not using the 3.4 or 3.5 stable versions ?
>> Or the upcoming 3.6 branch that will have good optimizations for network 
>> like TCP Small Queues or TCP Fast Open ?
> Hello Yves;
> the reason ist that the 3.2 kernel is a kernel with long time support.
> 3.2 has been chossen by Debian and Ubuntu for their stable/LTS, which
> means that it will be supported for 5 years. So it's a good and stable
> base to develop 5.0.
> Once we have 5.0 finished we may decide to move to a newer kernel, until
> then I'll prefer to go with a kernel supported that long time.
> kp
Also dont forget that now LEAF isn't heavily dependent of kernel version 
- we can provide different kernels (with corresponding initmod, moddb 
and modules.tgz) that will work with same userland. Earlier userland 
initrd was dependent of kernel because it had included modules.

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