Hi Yves

at 12.10.2012 09:22, Yves Blusseau wrote:
> Hi all,
> i was reading some articles about zram.
> I have retained that it is recommended to use one zram swap device for 
> each CPU core. So what do you think about upgrading our initrd scripts 
> to take this into account ?

I don't see any swap device enabled. Do we have swap at all?

> Also, for low ram embedded system, perhaps it will be prefered to used 
> zram disk (formated in ext3/ext4) instead of tmpfs for /tmp and /var/log ?

Does zram have the same functionality as tmpfs? I _believe_ tmpfs has
the capability to grow and shrink depending on it's usage. It may also
be resized at any time. This might not be necessary in our case though,
but I found it useful to grow, for example, the log directory, without
restarting my box.

Can that be done in zram?

my 0.02 €


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