Hi Folks

at 11.10.2012 16:32, Andrew wrote:
> modules.dep is re-generated at kmodules package in main branch; in 4.x 
> branch it seems that depmod isn't called at all.
> Why you don't want to use module auto-probing which should load modules 
> that are specified in /etc/modules? Or this is remote box that will be 
> unavailable w/o ipsec.ko?

Reading makefiles is tedious, after all they are meant to be interpreted
by machines, not human beings.

depmod is done at modules_install in the kernel makefile.

The easiest way to regenerate the file is to re-run depmod once the
ipsec.ko module is copied to the STAGINg area. Now doing this, the full
tree names of the modules are written to the modules.dep file instead of
the flat hierarchy used in 4.x. Somewhere this must be stripped.

Now what puzzles me is that the build destination for most stuff is not
the staging area but the build directory. It appears also that depmod is
run against the modules in build and not against the modules in staging.

Could someone enlighten me about the reasoning for the two different areas?



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