Hi Andrew;

Am 01.04.2013 17:24, schrieb Andrew:
> 01.04.2013 16:40, KP Kirchdoerfer пишет:
>> Hi;
>> Am 31.03.2013 21:56, schrieb Andrew:
>>> Hi.
>>> 31.03.2013 20:26, KP Kirchdoerfer пишет:
>>>> Hi all;
>>>> with the help of David and based on the work of buildtool.org developers
>>>> and many others, I was able to create a toolchain that produces a kernel
>>>> and lrp's able to boot on a raspberry pi, to login, to get local net
>>>> access and to ssh into the remote box.
>>>> While it will be a long way to create images for the raspberry pi, it
>>>> clearly shows that our toolchain is able to successfully cross-compile -
>>>> something I've expected, but it's always good to see it really works.
>>> Good work.
>>>> Before I create a remote repository, so anyone has something to work
>>>> with, I'm running rebuild from scratch.
>>>> Some notes about what has been accomplshed and the remaining tasks:
>>>> It's based on kernel version 3.6.11, because the patches are for 3.2 or
>>>> 3.6, but not for our currently used 3.4 kernel.
>>>> There is ongoing work to include the patches into the mainline kernel,
>>>> so life will be easier in the future.
>>> Maybe 3.2 patch (or 3.6) will lay on 3.4 kernel? Did you try?
>> No; I wanted to start with something known to work.
>> The rpi patches has been changed a lot between 3.2 and 3.6 AFAIK, so
>> only option would be to test if the 3.6 patches can applied to 3.4
>> kernel, but I believe we'll see errors. And can't be shure if it is
>> reliable afterwards.
> There is also 3.3 branch: https://github.com/lp0/linux/tree/raspberrypi-3.3
> IMHO porting patches from near beanches aren't too painful.

Maybe, but IMHO we should not look backwards (adding possibly outdated
As I said there is ongoing work to include patches for raspberry pi into
the mainline kernel, and this AND a kernel update for LEAF will make it

Currently I think, that going with a working 3.6 kernel is enough to
work on issues we do have maintaining other architectures than X86; and
those issues are not related to the kernel version I choosed for the
raspberry pi.

>>>> Not all packages build, esp kernel related packages, as expected, but
>>>> also others fail, like iptraf, and I do see errors with perl
>>>> Digest/SHA1, which also means shorewall will fail to start.
>>>> I also had to remove e100* from kmodules to build moddb.
>>> e100* should not even be compiled for rpi, like many others NICs - rpi
>>> hasn't PCI/PCI-E busses, so it's waste of time and space.
>> Yes; but we have the modules listed in kmdodules/common.tpl and
>> kmodules/modulelist.common, so packaging fails if they are missing. This
>> needs to be improved...
> I think that it'll be no pb if some module in modulelist.common will be 
> missed. Or even all modules will be missed.
> About common.tpl - firmware for e100 may be a pb, but we can do a hack - 
> just create empty folder, or folder with some dummy file.

Well, if you can provide a solution I'd be happy :)

>>>> The kernel config needs a review. Esp regarding modules. The kernel
>>>> config  as-is compiles ext4 and vfat into the kernel.
>>>> It seems that the raspberry is not able to load more than initrd (initrd
>>>> and initmod), so we have to concatenate initrd and initmod - with
>>>> something like the following command:
>>>> cat initrd.gz initmod.gz > initrd-rpi.gz
>>> initmod on embedded platforms may be removed at all - all boot-time
>>> modules may be compiled into kernel. One platform, one chipset, one
>>> device set.
>> That's what I did to get a start (compiled ext4 into kernel), but I
>> don't like that solution. The raspberry pi is more flexible than other
>> embedded devices, cause one can add all sort of things via USB. Some
>> could be added later, but at least device drivers, filesystem drivers
>> should be in initrd/initmod, so one has choice, while the ablity to
>> remove it later.
> This is common solution for embedded devices - to build all essential 
> drivers/modules as static-linked with kernel. Fo rpi this is file system 
> drivers, mtdblock driver and usb bus/usb flash driver.
> Also, for embedded platforms there is common practice to use r/o rootfs 
> (like squashfs) with tmpfs mounted on top of it (via something like 
> unionfs) for optware/changed configs. Or even mounted tmpfs only for 
> some dirs, with r/o root. So IMHO we should decide what strategy we'll 
> implementing in future embedded targets: r/w root with 3rd-party patches 
> to kernel for this, or r/o root with r/w /etc, /lib/modules, /root, 
> /tmp, /usr and /var? 1st is more transparent for current state, more 
> flexible and is easier to implement, 2nd will require more work and will 
> cause more pbs on embedded platforms with errorous packages, but it'll 
> use vanilla kernel codebase.

No comment here - I simply do not understand.

>>> Or, if initrd concatenation is possible - some modules like usb flash
>>> may be external, in initmod.
>> The above command works, maybe even if the file extension is lrp instead gz.
>> kp
> If concatenated initramfs image is booted OK via boot loader - it's 
> good. But in generic case boot loader may fail to boot with such image, 
> or it'll extract just 1st part (initrd).

I'll have to  take a closer look, but I assume the concatenated image is
the same as we had before we splitted initmod from initrd (as in 4.x).

I'm starting to wonder about "multiple initrd files" when booting - see
leaf-user and the 5.0-beta1 geode pb - the Alix geode based board
supports multiple initrd, but _without_ the leading slash, where it
seems to with the leading slash elsewhere, rpi does not support multiple
initrd files, the same with qemu when booting arm-versatile, while it
works if I test an i486 image in qemu...??


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