on 12.10.2013 19:43, KP Kirchdörfer wrote:
> Hi Erich;
> Am Mittwoch, 9. Oktober 2013, 10:32:02 schrieb Erich Titl:
>> HI Folks
>> I have fought a bit with my new 5.01 installation on a WRAP and I am
>> still wrestling to get it up and running the way I want.
>> I have a few requests for future packaging
>> - Could we refrain from placing the modules in a flat directory, it
>> makes the modules directory horribly unreadable and I don't see any benefit.
> And what is your proposal?

Keep the structure as is after compiling

> Currently it does have the benefit that it works to add modules without 
> thinking where to add (scp to /lib/modules is good enough), that hardware 
> detection knows where to place modules and backing up modules is also easy.

Mhhh... ist that dependent on the tree structure?

> So if one wants change to the modules directory layout, some things need to 
> be 
> considered - and I do not see a real benefit to invest that amount of work.
> BTW What exactly is your pb with "readibility"?

Multiple pages of unneeded modules

>> - Could we make a version with minimal modules in initmod? You may think
>> this is unpractical, but for myself I found that in initmod there is no
>> natsemi driver so most of the modules there are not needed. Whatever you
>> choose It will be the wrong choice most of the time, but it is
>> overloading small platforms.
>> - It might be practical to provide a small tool to build a customized
>> initmod from the modules tarball. Autodetection is a fine idea if you
>> have memory to spare. The upside of all the distros which are targeting
>> a single platform is that they can and do customize their kernel and
>> thus can live with a very small footprint.
>> - I suggest to add a few pseudo targets to the build process, which do
>> not require a recompile of the kernel but a rearrangement of initrd and
>> initmod ... like WRAP, ALIX, hopefully soon something like TP-xxx.
> I might be wrong, but to summarize the answer to three notes above, I's 
> suggest you may have a look how we provide a i486/i686/geode-based versions 
> from the same toolchain.

I will, as soon as I get the #@%&$£ toolchain running. The prerequisites
are a royal pain in the butt.

> I do agree with you that the default initmod is bloated, I see modules in the 
> geode version, which are usually not needed. 
> Therefor it might be a solution to add a new target (wrap) in addition to 
> i486/i686/geode and to improve the default initmod creation to remove/add 
> what's needed for a variant.   

I tried that a year ago, but was stopped by the multiple platform move
then. Calling a platform GEODE does not assert that we are using the
correct NIC driver and Andrew war right, it does not need another
platform. It needs a tool to create a specific initrd.

>> - I may be horribly old fashioned, but how many of you are really using
>> IPv6. Despite all the ballyhoo it is still not widely used (in Europe)
>> and IMHO it should be an option. The future may prove me wrong.
> While IPv6 generated a lot of noise before,  it's adoption seems to be more 
> or 
> less seamless. I've read that some ISP/Telcos started to enable IPv6 for new 
> accounts without further notice.   
> We've added and enabled IPv6 support about  ten years ago with Bering-uClibc 
> 2.0 - why should we make it an option just at the time, our work bears it 
> fruits? I'd rather like to make it as useful as possible.

Again, it is something that diverts me, but then. I have not had a
chance to talk to any IPv6 platform at all and I _assume_ no one else
outside of academia and possibly some specialized ISP in switzerland has
had that chance. How do you guys talk to IPv6?



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