
03.02.2016 17:44, kp kirchdoerfer пишет:
> Hi all;
> I'll try to summarize the current and proposed status of loading modules as
> this raises questions.
> Pls correct me whereelse needed if I missed something or got it wrong.
> This summary is based on 5.2.x, master and new-initrd-6x branch
> A) The current status
> At the time we do have three mechanisms to load modules, which itself is is a
> state of transition.
> 1) First one is to load all hardware related modules during boot in linuxrc
> 2) Next we load(copy??) all modules from /etc/modules - esp. added for modules
> which are not hardware-related like tun.ko (openvpn), ppp*.ko etc.
> 3) A third mechanism has been introduced last year to add modules to
> load(copy??) for a given Package in buildtool.cfg in the <DependsOn> section
> of buildtool.cfg. This concurs with loading from /etc/modules and is intented
> to replace the need to add a module for a Package to /etc/modules and have
> loaded(copied??) instead "automagically" - like other Packages a Package
> depends on.
> Although 2) and 3) are similar loading(copying??) from /etc/modules is a
> welcome fallback, in case we do miss a module when building a package in
> buildtool.cfg.
> As you can see above, I'm not shure if modules in step 2 and 3 are really
> loaded or just copied to /lib/modules.
> Anyway this works, if we later start packages that need modules, they
> DependOn.
2) - modules are loaded to kernel
3) - modules are just copied. they are loaded by software if needed (for 
ex., iptables modules)

> A major drawback is that this way we do have a lot modules just copied into
> the RAM (although compressed).
> Did I get this correct so far?
> B) Proposed status
> Erich invested work to reduce the number of copied/loaded  modules in the new-
> initrd branch to  minimize RAM usage.
> He started to  build the essential modules from initmod.lrp into the kernel -
> that way we can get rid off initmod.lrp at all. While it will raise the kernel
> size, it is hoped that we can go wihout having modules as compressed modules
> in /lib/modules as well as uncompressed loaded into the RAM.
> This effort will buy out even more if we want to support more specialized
> architectures/images than today.
> In a second step he replaced the current way to load/copy every module into
> /lib/modules with a mimic to work with modules.sqfs and to now
> really load required modules into instead insted of copy the compressed module
> and load afterwards.
> new-initrd is able to load
> a) hardware related modules during boot
> b) load modules from /etc/modules
> but does not work with modules defined in <DependsOn> 
> (/var/lib/lrpkg/*.depmod)
> Instead it usees for shorewall the /etc/shorewall/modules* to oad all modules
> required modules with a modification to shorewal[6]l's init files (once again
> mount modules.sqfs, load modules and umount ).
> While this works for shorewall[6] with a well-defined configuraton, which
> modules to load, and therefor does not load any netfilter/xtables etc module
> unndeeded, and keep the necessary size in RAM as small as possible, it fails
> to load needed  modules of packages that assumes that modules are available
> (like openvpn, arptables, ppp*).
> Erich made the proposal to change the init scripts of such packages to mount
> modules.sqfs and load whatever required.
Good solution.

But IMHO we should leave possibility to use old behavior on systems.

> Another option could be to modprobe all modules in question from
> /var/lib/lrpkg/*depmod, but it will load more modules into than needed.
> I've discussed this with Erich forth and back, each one with better or worse
> arguments, but without a proper solution.
> So we decided to move the discussion to leaf-devel (again) to find a proper
> solution and to have as much feedback as possible.
> I may have been to short in describing what's possible with new-initrd, and
> also to describe the drawbacks - but I want to start a discussion how to deal
> with
> a) the current situation to deal with modules
> b) how to keep the advantages of new-initrd, while getting the best of the
> work we've done in the past
> Any input/ideas is welcome.
> thy kp
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