Hi Andrew

Am 07.03.2016 um 22:46 schrieb Andrew:
> Delayed unmounting is mostly for services that have delayed modules 
> loading (like wpa-supplicant or hostapd) to ensure that all is ok.

If you really want to do this right, then you would need to insert
control logic that communicates with the application in a separate
protocol if the application wants to talk to you at all. I believe
wpasupplicant supports the D-BUS protocol to do this. Then you need
quite extensive control logic to do _what_ exactly? To just check that a
module was loaded? There are more interesting problems to solve for a
LEAF box. Ever heard of the KISS principle?

> + it isn't too complex - just store umount pid and then check in mount - 
> if pid file exists then kill process instead of mounting sqfs.

IMHO it is too complex and simply unnecessary in our case. We don't need
another timed control circuit and kill signals are notoriously slow.
This is IMHO a solution for a non existing problem.



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