14.03.2016 12:28, Erich Titl пишет: > Hi Andre > > Am 12.03.2016 um 19:40 schrieb Andrew: >> Hi. > ...>> >>> Please let us know how you do a major kernel upgrade. If you write it >>> down, you might see that there are unnecessaty steps or you may >>> convince me that the diff files are valuable. >>> >> 1. Upgrade kernel version, copy configs, > Will you have to generate the config files here using the diff files? No, Just copy/rename config + cdiffs in repo in this step > > generate default (=i486) config > > How do you generate this one? According to one of your last mails it > should already exist as Bering_KRELEASE_.config.
>> by generic procedure ('make oldconfig' is called), then - break process >> on next arch. > Note somewhere drivers (= kernel options) that should be >> enabled in some specific arches (for ex., PCI-E cards drivers) if they >> exists; usually - max 3-5 devices, or even none > This is the manual intervention Yes, of course. In other case we'll receive a lot of trash like proximity/light sensors and a lot of missed useful drivers. >> 2. Copy default config to repo >> 3. Clean generated configs, run 'make build' again >> 4. If I have some specific new drivers that must be enabled on some arch >> - then I run 'make menuconfig' or edit config file manually (with 'make >> oldconfig' to ensure that no additional options hapened), and then - >> re-create cdiff. > Another manual intervention on all of the arch files which will need to > be generated from the diff files. Yes. In other case you'll receive some kind of generic config. > >> 5. Try to make kernel configs for other archs (to ensure that no >> arch-specific options added), if needed - enable some drivers manually, >> and if config is changed - re-create cdiff > You see here, you generate configs and recreate diffs, I don't think > this step is necessary, but in the end the results should be the same, > IHMO just too much work and could be avoidedd. Ok, maybe you know easier way how to: 1. Enable per-platform driver set (including staging/experimental drivers like WiFi ones - IMHO untested/partially working device is better that non-working device), having same driver set across similar platforms (for ex., x86_64 and i686) 2. Make strictly similar set of network-related features (iptables/nftables module set and so on) across all archs 3. Have possibility to easily check which options differs between targets > If we really could just work on the default config and the diff > mechanism would allow us to upgrade all existing archs automatically > then I would be all for it. But to me right now, this assumption appears > to be wrong. You may change 'make oldconfig' into 'make olddefconfig' in makefile, and got same useless semi-generic configs for all archs/subarchs like in your example. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Transform Data into Opportunity. Accelerate data analysis in your applications with Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library. Click to learn more. http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=278785231&iu=/4140 _______________________________________________ leaf-devel mailing list leaf-devel@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/leaf-devel