02.04.2016 10:48, Erich Titl пишет:
> Hi Andrew
> Am 02.04.2016 um 00:37 schrieb Andrew:
>> 31.03.2016 23:30, Erich Titl пишет:
>>> Hi KP
>>> some more bugging
>>>                           Network configuration menu
>>>           1) interfaces file
>>>           2) hosts IP adresses
>>>           3) hostname
>>>           4) resolv.conf
>>>           5) superserver daemon configuration
>>>           6) hosts.allow
>>>           7) hosts.deny
>>>           8) networks
>>>     q) quit
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>           Selection:
>>> I tried 1) and I believe the interface configuration in webconf is way
>>> better
>> it's usual Debian-like network config file. and it's really flexible
>> (e.g. you may specify pre-up/up/down actions, configure bridges/vlans
>> and so on).
>> webconf is good for home routers, but home routers isn't a single target
>> for LEAF.
> You are right, but this is mostly due to the fact that the webconf
> interface does not attract our developers. Maybe the fact that it is
> written in shell keeps them away. Even big Cisco and HP routers/switches
> have quite powerful web interfaces.
AFAIK Cisco 65xx/76xx/ASR/etc are configured just via CLI. For ex: 

And that is not even close to reality as can be seen above. The menu
item is plain misleading.

>> it's content of /etc/hosts.
> Yes and the menu entry is completely misleading.
It comes from 3.x (or older) version w/o changes.

How it should be named for more clear understanding?

>> If you want to see some diag info - IMHO it'll be good to add separate
>> section with diag commands (like 'ip a' or 'iptraf' if it's available).
>> but it's easier to enter these commands in shell.
> That is what I normally do, because I am quite familiar with the shell.
> - The menu entries are partially misleading and not always useful
> - I just hate the editor called in the menu, so I prefer to use vi, but
> that is a very personal choice.
you can configure which editor you want to use.
> cheers
> ET
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