Hej Joern,

I don't know why those scripts are gone. Maybe they will reappear in 6.0.2?

Assumed, that you configured and sourced /etc/easyrsa/vars, you can
generate a specific key file by setting the variable

pkitool boris

pkitool joern

and so on.....
(got that from this list)


Am 03.01.2017 um 13:11 schrieb Jørn Eriksen:
> The build-key* scrips use pkitool but have the correct paramters so one 
> do not need to enter the parameters manually.
> In older versions they used to be there, along side the build-ca and 
> build-dh scripts...
> J
> On 03. jan. 2017 12:49, Boris wrote:
>> Hej all,
>> I was missing those scripts, too. And as far that I remember, they are
>> even not in the easyrsa-package.
>> I learned that pkitool is to be used!
>> Boris
>> Am 03.01.2017 um 12:09 schrieb Jørn Eriksen:
>>> Hello again,
>>> The build-key-server & build-key script are usually NOT in the
>>> openvpn.lrp file but rather in the easyrsa.lrp file - sorry about that!
>>> J
>>> On 03. jan. 2017 11:32, Jørn Eriksen wrote:
>>>> Hello there,
>>>> It seams also that 6.0.x has issues with DNAT when using Shorewall. Not
>>>> sure as to all the sub-modules involved - Tom belived is was due to
>>>> issues with
>>>> xt_nat
>>>> nf_nat
>>>> nf_nat_ipv4
>>>> Futher - the openvpn.lrp package are missing the build-key-server and
>>>> build-key scripts.
>>>> The later files I can provide (also inside the openvpn.lrp) but the
>>>> former kernel issue I'm at loss..
>>>> Best regards
>>>> Jorn
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