hey thanks for the advice, only problem is my lrp disk is full. Ive always wanted to add ssh to it but theres not enough room for it.  Im not too fussed about it being too secure as its only my home box so theres nothing too important on it.  Is there away you can tunnel it without ssh??
>I would use SSHD on the LRP and tunnel VNC through SSH.  You'd establish the
>ssh connection to your LRP with tunnels set up (For a Windoze clt, I'd use
>SecureCRT if you use the SSH1 package (30 day free trial which you can
>reload), and SSH Communications software with an individual license if you
>use the SSH2 package -- it doesn't let you do tunnels to SSH1 servers).
>I use it myself and it works great.


>Hi, im using a modified version of Eigersteinbeta 2 with a pppoe package.
>What id like to achieve is to be able to vnc into a machine on my internal
>network through my lrp box from an external ip (i.e work). I take it this
>will require some modifying of the ip ruleset i.e port forwarding etc. Is
>there a howto someone could point me to? My external ip is dynamic so i
>guess using mail to email me my ip is the way to go.  Is the fact that my
>internal machines are dhcp assigned a problem for forwarding the vnc stuff
>through to a specific machine or do i just static assign an ip to the
>machine running vnc? Any suggestions/help would be appreciated, im a bit
>new to this stuff

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