"Scott C. Best" wrote:

>         You could start a religious war here. :) THG does a fairly
> good job of reporting about which systems are currently the top-dog
> at a given price target. I'd agree that AMD holds the lead here.
> However, THG also overclocks whatever they can get their hands on,
> to see whose system has more game left in it. In this category, Intel's
> P4 is out in front (though you'd pay more it).

Yeah I should be careful.  I really don't mean to start a religious
war.  I used to buy only Intel processors. That comes from the my days
with early 80286 clones.  AMD had some problems.  Actually I was an
Intel bigot for many years.  Now at this day and age--and I speak for
myself--I don't think the hardware much matters anymore.  500mhz is good
enough, 1000mhz is just right for games even with a bad video card.  The
trouble is that it is hard to see the difference after your hardware is
at a certain level of performance.  For example I blew some money on DDR
memory, and I don't now how much it matters for a Windows desktop.  I'll
soon be dual booting this machine with Linux and may be I might get
excited!?  LOL...I think I was more impressed with game texture map
improvements generated by my recent video card purchase, than the kids

In this day and age I buy for price and not name brands.  Since I am
buying for price.  Since Intel has desupported socket7 hardware and the
lowend desktop.  Since AMD and others can create a chip set for a
motherboard. I find that I have wound up with AMD hardware.

I really don't worry about running hardware bench marks on my own
equipment because there's not allot I worry about in tweaking hardware. 
In most cases, the general all around performance is good.  I'll only
really get excited if they can ever improve the bus speed because that's
where the real problems lie these days.  That's where I feel it is all
commodity junk.  If an Intel chip was on sale, I'd buy it.  For the home
market buy what you can afford and you'd do just fine.

I think Dan Gilleece had some insightful comments on the subject too.

I hope this helps,

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