On Wednesday 11 September 2002 14:16, Duke Ionescu wrote:

> I'm running LRP, more exactly Dachstein (thx for all your work
> Charles!). I've been running LRP for many a year and everything 
> works great.  What I need is an idea.  This may be a bit OT, but I'm
> looking for advice from someone who's used LRP or BusyBox
> extensively.  Here's the problem:

LEAF, not LRP, please!

> I've opened samba ports for my static IP @ home, and it works great.
> However, a co-worker is not as fortunate to have a static IP.  How do
> I dynamically punch a hole for him (ports 137-139, 445) so he can
> access our samba server too?  The most straightforward solution I
> could find is for him to ssh into the LRP box and open the ports
> himself (...and then close them!).  This could be automated via a
> script (i.e. "/usr/bin/opensesame").  However, this is a bit
> of a pain and for users not as computer literate as my co-worker it
> would not even be an option.  Has anyone run into this before, what
> creative solutions have you found?  Is there a de-facto way you guys
> do this sort of thang?

There isn't a standard way of doing this. The few of us that are using a
similar setup to this simply add a ping script like you have come up 
with. It really can't be integrated into the network setup because you
have no way of knowing the remote address (dyndns?) BEFORE loading
the ruleset w/o opening the box to possible exploit. The most reasonable
alternative is to use a SSH tunnel or VPN as has been suggested. 
Opening your NetBIOS ports is about the biggest hole you could put
in a system.

~Lynn Avants
aka Guitarlynn

guitarlynn at users.sourceforge.net

If linux isn't the answer, you've probably got the wrong question!

In remembrance
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