I just got my Feb. 2003 issue of SysAdmin, and was pleased to see an article about LEAF.

In "Increasing Bandwidth with Wireless Devices", Henry Psenicka nad Bob Pocius go over the details of migrating their WAN from 128Kbit/s ISDN links to point-point wireless using 802.11 wireless devices and the Bering LEAF disto.

Of particular note is the fact that the article was written after nearly a full year of virtually flawless operation (the only problem was one Orinoco NIC that failed), showing how reliable linux and LEAF can be even when deployed in "harsh" environments guarding the network perimiter.

Saddly, the article is not one of the ones available on-line, but I'm sure everyone here subscribes anyway, right? If not, head over to the sysadmin site, where you can subscribe and check out the current issue:

Kudos to Jacques Nilo and the rest of the Bering crew!

Charles Steinkuehler

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