Joey Officer wrote:
I quickly scanned the logs and didn't find anything that resembled what I'm
doing here, so I'll try to explain it best as possible.

I've got my LEAF w/ SSH on port 22, an internal SSH server on port 24, and
vnc running on the internal server.  I want to get to the vnc server running
on the internal ssh box but am not having luck.  this is how it looks


and everything comes up like so

internal# vncserver :7 	# runs vnc on port 5907

windows box# putty -ssh -l user -P 24 -R 5907:remoteip:5900 remoteip

which gives me the following error
localhost sshd[1998]: error: bind: Address already in use
localhost sshd[1998]: error: channel_setup_fwd_listener: cannot listen to
port: 5907

so i figure I might have the port numbers in the wrong place, so I reverse
and then I get no errors, but I cannot connect to the vnc server either.
This is forwarding port 5900 on your remote system to port 5907 on your local system. Someone on the remote system could log into your local VNC server running on 5907, but you can't go the other way...

Through trial and error I tried the following

putty -ssh -l harryk -P 24 -L 5900:remote:5907 remote

which doesn't give me any errors, but also doesn't allow me to login.  I
figure this is techincally listening for something from my LEAF box,
although there are no messages pertaining to this on the LEAF box either.
This is the correct version of port-forwarding (-L instead of -R) for your application, but I think you've got the ports backwards. This will connect your local port 5900 to the remote port 5907, and I think you wanted it the other way around:

putty -ssh -l harryk -P 24 -L 5907:remote:5900 remote

NOTE: I'm assuming harryk resolves to the IP of your firewall, and remote resolves to the ip of your remote system. You might also try an explicit IP (of the remote system, not the firewall) or the localhost ( for remote, to make sure you're not getting hung up by name resolution issues.

Charles Steinkuehler

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