I have used both Dachstein 1.0.2 and Bering uClib 1.0.1 on a 90mhz
pentium box.  Both are standard distributions.  The only modifications
were to the modules section to support my two network cards. I have a
cable modem connection.

When running the Dachstien distribution I get a firewall error in about
48 hours.  The LRP box still works but the log fills up with over 50
denied or rejected packets.  The majority of these are Denials of SYN
(#39) access attempts from other cable modem clients.

When running the Bearing distribution I get no firewall errors or log
entries, but I get a large number of UDP and TCP connections.  More than
I do with Dachstien.  I did add the DHCPD package to the Bearing
distribution because I got used to using it with Dachstien.

When running the Dachstien distribution I get signifincantly fewer
connections and they all seem to be TCP.  No UDP.

Is this normal?  Or is there something I have missed about setting up
the firewall used with Bearing?  I didn't do anything to the firewall
setup for Bearing.  I just used it as it was configured in the
downloaded image.
Are the "connections" you're referring to log entries created by your firewall rules?

I am not that familiar with the shorewall firewall scripts used in Bering, but I think you are simply seeing the differences between how the Dachstein firewall (based on IPChains) and the bering firewall (based on IPTables) track and log traffic.

If you provide short examples of what you're seeing on each platform, we can probably tell you more about exactly what's going on.

Charles Steinkuehler

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