Hello Brian 

the actuall number of packet logs is not that important.
for example edonky and programms like that make a lot connection 
Your summary shows that almost all connections came from  proxy-scanner.eris.dk

The intersting thing would be to see what kind of packages 
the ones from or to this ip are. 
> I have the following message
> Thu Feb 6 09:49:28 UTC 2003
> firewall Firewall Status: error
> You have 438 denied or rejected packets in your recent packet logs.
> See the messages in the log files for details
> Or check the hits sorted by port or by IP adress
> and when  I look at the log file this is what it has (excerpt)

> Feb 6 08:31:05 firewall kernel: Shorewall:net2all:DROP:IN=eth0 OUT= 
> MAC=00:60:08:08:6d:f3:00:03:4b:ab:10:0e:08:00 SRC= 
> DST= LEN=48 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=120 ID=41523 DF PROTO=TCP 
> SPT=1146 DPT=3511 WINDOW=8192 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
token apart this means 

at feb 6 08:31:05 the  Shorewall chain net2all DROP dropped a 
package comeing from the eth0 interface (IN=eth0) and was mend 
for the firewall (  OUT= )
(info on eth0 MAC=00:60:08:08:6d:f3:00:03:4b:ab:10:0e:08:00)
The source addres from this package was:  SRC= 
and the destination ( DST= which should have been 
your external ip at that moment. The protocoll was TCP the src port  
1146 and the destination port  3511 
further Package information : length 48 Type of service 00  
Timetolive 120    The syn bit was set so it was a "start of 
( LEN=48 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=120 ID=41523 DF 
> SPT=1146 DPT=3511 WINDOW=8192 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0 )
You should read now some of the denyed or dropped packages from 
the host.  It might seem that you have outgoing 
connections to this host that are blocked ( IN= resp OUT= ) and if the 
ports are changeing  ( than it might be a scan) or that it is allways the 
same port that tries to connect ( for example with a configuration 
error) -

> hits port Service
> 42 1080
> 28 8080 webcache
> 28 6552
> 28 23 telnet
> sorted by ip address
> Hits IP-Adress Date
> 406 Feb 6
> 7 Feb 6
> 6 Feb 6
> 6 Feb 6
> 4 Feb 6
> 3 Feb 6
> 3 Feb 6
> 3 Feb 6
> what does it mean?? am i being attacked or is it something in shorwall that 
> I have not configured properly?
good luck
Eric Wolzak
member of the bering crew 

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