John Mullan wrote:
OK Charles.  I understand.  As you know by now, I only really do this stuff
at home.  I have helped a buddy by putting a LEAF router at his office.

So, not being the guru and not having a great amount of time, I will
eventually read bits and pieces.

I only ended up with Win2K server because my drive crapped out on Tuesday
and I figured that, what the heck.  It would give me the ability to keep
user profiles in one location.

On this scale, it really comes down to what I'm willing to live with and for
how long.  Right now I timed it and I spend about 1 minute 'Preparing
Network Connections'.  That's really not too bad.  Also, since this is only
my home network, I run all servers on one box.  It's name is WWW but has FTP
and POP3/SMTP.  I thought it great to define,
and and have them all point to the same box but thanks to M$
that doesn't work anymore as it seems to override my TinyDNS in this
respect. (a little of my ranting too :)

So really, would it be better to let my M$ box handle internal DNS and let
LEAF handle dnscache for internet queries?  Is there a package other than
TinyDNS that is dynamic and will let the M$ box register hosts?
I intentionally know as little as possible about the M$ networking world, but from what I know, and the information provided above, if you don't want to remove AD (and your other MS systems are recent enough to avoid any MS-MS operating problems), you're probably best off using your AD server as the primary DNS for your network. You can probably configure the AD server to query DNSCache on the firewall for internet domains, use your ISP's DNS servers, or make all queries itself.

Which option is "best" depends a lot on your connection to the 'net (bandwidth and latency) and the reliability of your ISP's name servers. I added DNSCache to Dachstein to allow implementing a pre-configured DHCP server, and because my ISP's DNS servers would typically go down about once every other week. You don't *HAVE* to use it, it's simply provided as a convinence.

Charles Steinkuehler

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