Bihari, Steve wrote:

I did get thttpd to work with my existing Weblet implementation.  Wow is it
ever fast !!!  Authentication works if I manually create a ".htpasswd" file
in my /cgi-bin/ directory.  At this point, I only need to be concerned with
authenticated connections to this folder.

My question is:  Do we have any tools available that have been compiled for
Bering to generate the password file (htpasswd)?  Preferably one that will
do both the password change and encryption/hash.

I don't have one handy...I probably would, but my old debian development system's hard drive has gone to the bit bucket in the sky. :<

Someone else on-list will probably have a copy, or a still-functional development environment to do a quick compile.

If you're in a big hurry, you can either compile it statically, or run it on another system and copy the hashed password over to your LEAF box.

Charles Steinkuehler

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