I belleve Bering forked from an "rc" version of Dachstein.
Later Charles added a handy way for loading the modules from the CD.

Instead of copying modules to the /lib/modules directory and then backing up modules.lrp

Just put this in your /etc/modules file to pull a module from the CD during boot.

! iso9660 /dev/cdrom
! dir /lib/modules/2.4.20/kernel/drivers/net/tulip


! dir /lib/modules/2.4.20/kernel/drivers/net

! dir /lib/modules/2.4.20/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter

Each section in the /etc/modules file could have a different ! dir entry. All the user has to do is uncomement the needed modules and backup modules. No need to copy them to the /lib/modules directory.

This would make iso versions of LEAF a lot easier to setup.
Victor McAllister

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