Thitiporn Pornpirunrak wrote:
Dear all
     Anyone please help me. I try to create RSA Key using this command
"ipsec rsasigkey --verbose 1024 > mykey.txt"
But After I run that command my bering box didn't show anything. I left my
bering box processes that command since yesterday but nothing happen.
Did I do anything wrong?

You have to type at the physical keyboard (not via a remote session like ssh) to generate enough true randomness for the ipsec routines to generate a key.

Since generating a key is so critical to security, the rsasigkey routine uses the random device that blocks if there is not enough "true" randomness (generated from things like user input), rather than the non-blocking random device which uses a psudo-random number generator.

Since firewall boxes typically have little true randomness, I frequently build keys on production machines (which also have much faster processors) and copy them over.

Charles Steinkuehler

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