Trevor-Engele wrote:
  I have what I thought would be an easy problem to figure out but is not,
well for me anyways. I'm hoping someone will be in a kind and generous frame
of mind so as to point out the error of my ways! To begin, I am using Leaf
1.2 in an attempt to evaluate it's ipsec performance in no more than a
firewall/vpn sort of role. I have no problems setting it up, making it work
and establishing a connection.
the problem manifests itself when I attempt to ping anything on either
subnet - all I can see are the nics on the Bering machines themselves,
nothing beyond.

Subnet      Local             Net                  Gateway
Gateway     Net           Local    Subnet<><><><>THE

  Please excuse the crudity of my above network topology layout where the ip
addresses have not been concealed to protect the innocent. To better
explain, if I am tring to ping from a machine on the subnet
to another machine on the subnet as far as I can get is to address on the leaf box, if I try vice versa I can only go as
far as
  I am unsure what information would best assist you in determining where my
problem lies, what I am hoping is that as this is being read someone,
somewhere is smirking and already knows why. In the event that I have
actually found a bona fida tear jerker (hah!) I will send along some stuff.

  I made the follow alterations to the shorewall configuration from what it
came with 'out of the box':

zones file: vpn VPN Remote Subnet

policy file:
loc vpn ACCEPT vpn loc ACCEPT

tunnels file:
ipsec      net on one machine and on the
other, I have also tried for both

I strongly suspect your firewall rules. It looks like your IPSec tunnel is coming up OK, which means the two endpoints can excahnge UDP port 500 traffic.

For acutal data to flow through the VPN, the ends also have to be able to exchange ESP/AH traffic (protocol 50/51), and you have to allow forwarding between the two networks.

I'm not familiar with how to cleanly set this up with Shorewall, but Tom has excellent online documentation, and maybe some of the Shorewall users here will chime-in.

Based on a quick review of the ShorewallIPSec docs (since Tom's not answering Shorewall mail durring business hours anymore): looks like you might have missed assigning the ipsec0 interface to the VPN zone in /etc/shorewall/interfaces.

Charles Steinkuehler

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