Hi ppl...
I have a wisp station, where when i try to test with ttcp, i get strange errors!

If the direction is from another station to the station with problem, i get 400 Kb/s...
But if i try the command: ttcp -n512 -s -t xxx.xxx.xxx.x from the problematic station 
to the good one... 
i get the message in the good station: ttcp-r: IO: Connection reset by peer
The problematic station just drop the connection...
and the station keep with high usage for a few minutes... something about: load 
average: 3.0 ...

And one more strange thing, when i test with ttcp, in the problem situation the link 
quality looking in AP-1000 goes to Marginal for a few seconds, then back to normal...

Well, if anyone knows what can be, please tell me...
or else, exist a way in wisp to limit the upload bandwidth?? With HTB i can limit the 
download bandwidth, but there is somehow to limit the upload bandwidth?


Samuel Abreu

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