Hi all,

I'm running a bering firewall on my production system (after upgrading
from eigerstien). 
And very impressed with Bering great job.
I managed a complete system upgrade from eigerstein, using wget, and all
done remote via ssh, LOT's of planning ahead, *fingers crossed on the
first reboot*, and yes I do have a HDD that bering boots from ;o).

I have a couple of question about shorewall and stuff I'm running
version 1.3 from on the base install of bering.

I was reading the shorewall help and have a question about this line.
#       ORIGINAL DEST   (0ptional -- only allowed if ACTION is DNAT or
#                       REDIRECT) If included and different from the IP
#                       address given in the SERVER column, this is an
#                       on some interface on the firewall and
connections to
#                       that address will be forwarded to the IP and
#                       specified in the DEST column.

It says I can't use the ORIGINAL DEST it is an ACCEPT rule?
My firewall is located in a remote hosting facility and I need to be
able to get to it via the "external" interface.
My external interface has multiple live IPs on it.

I wish to secure it so as SSH is only open/avalialbe on one IP address.
I would like to be able to do this?
ACCEPT  net:202.53.xxx.xxx,203.94.xxx.xxx fw tcp 22 - 67.106.XXX.XXX

So as when a port scan/security check happens it won't show SSH open (or
closed for that matter) on any of the IPs apart from the single firewall

I also ran some scans on my firewall usind Nessus (www.nessus.org) and
it showed up the following. 
I scanned my firewall IP, not an IP that I'm DNAT through to the DMZ.
> The remote host does not discard TCP SYN packets which have the FIN
flag set.
Is this something I have to worry about? Is there away to fix this?

I also ran an nmap scan on my firewall IP.
Port       State       Service
22/tcp     open        ssh
113/tcp    closed      auth
135/tcp    closed      loc-srv
I'm have no idea why 113 and 135 are showing as open. These are my
firewall rules.

#ACTION  SOURCE         DEST            PROTO   DEST    SOURCE
#                                               PORT    PORT(S)    DEST
ACCEPT  fw      loc                     tcp     53
ACCEPT  fw      loc                     udp     53
ACCEPT  loc     fw                      tcp     22
ACCEPT  net     fw                      tcp     22
ACCEPT  loc     fw                      icmp    8
ACCEPT  net     fw                      icmp    8
ACCEPT  loc     fw                      tcp     80
# Mystique
DNAT    net     loc:         tcp     80      -
DNAT    net     loc:         tcp     80      -
DNAT    net     loc:         tcp     80      -
DNAT    net     loc:         tcp     80      -
DNAT    net     loc:         tcp     80      -
DNAT    net     loc:         tcp     80      -
DNAT    net     loc:         tcp     80      -
DNAT    net     loc:         tcp     80      -
DNAT    net:202.53.xxx.xxx     loc:         tcp     3389    -
DNAT    net     loc:         tcp     53      -
DNAT    net     loc:         udp     53      -
DNAT    net:202.53.xxx.xxx,203.94.xxx.xxx,64.28.xxx.xxx
loc:         tcp     1352    -       67.106.xxx.xxx
DNAT    net     loc:         tcp     ftp     -
# Storm/Rogue
DNAT    net     loc:         tcp     80      -
DNAT    net:202.53.xxx.xxx     loc:         tcp     3389    -
DNAT    net     loc:         tcp     53      -
DNAT    net     loc:         udp     53      -
DNAT    net:202.53.xxx.xxx,211.34.xxx.xxx     loc:
tcp     1352    -       67.106.xxx.xxx
DNAT    net:202.53.xxx.xxx     loc:         tcp     1352    -
DNAT    net     loc:         tcp     25      -
DNAT    net     loc:         tcp     25      -
# Cyclops
DNAT    net:202.53.xxx.xxx     loc:         tcp     3389    -
DNAT    net:202.53.xxx.xxx     loc:         tcp     1352    -
DNAT    net     loc:         tcp     80      -
# Wolverine
DNAT    net:202.53.xxx.xxx     loc:         tcp     3389    -

Any feedback on the above would be muchly appreciated before I go too
far and put in the rest of my system configuration (40 more servers :o()

I'm also trying to figure out how to setup bering to email me my
firewall log's on a dialy basis so I can run them through a scanner.
And last but not least I wish to upgrade shorewall to 1.4 but I'm a
little "scared" to do so as I'm not sure the exact way. As I said
earlier I only have SSH access to my firewall so touching things like
ssh or shorewall worry me.

How can I update shorewall and keep my current rules etc? 

Thanks all in advance,
Best Regards

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