First of all let me apologize for double posting on the same issue.

I just picked up 10 Iwill G300 Security systems.  Nine of them have the
Broadcom BCM5802 Macro Processor built in, and the other one (which my
boss is looking at really hard as our new hardware platform for the LVS
cluster) has the Cavium Nitrox Lite Macro Security Processor on it.  Has
anyone out there had a chance to install Bering-uClibC on a box with
either of these?  If so what did you have to do to get them to work. 
Are there modules that need to be loaded?  If so what are the module
names?  Also are there any pitfalls that I should watch out for?

On a side note.  It took all of about 5 minutes to get bering 1.2 up and
running on the CF cards.  And since the BIOS has it set up as Secondary
master just change a couple things in the syslinux.cfg and add the ide
modules and it worked great.  If there is anyone out there looking for a
decent mid grade box(~500 per system) that can run bering well you might
want to check these out.  Being on CF makes the boot time roughly 10
seconds from power on to login prompt.  No waiting forever for the
floppy install to finish loading.  And with 3 NICs built into the
motherboard no need to worry about if you have all of the correct
modules installed for the NICs(pci-scan and rtl8139)

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